About Us


Welcome to The Positive Voice News, a platform dedicated to providing Breaking happening news across Nigeria, valuable Educational News, Politics News, Sport News, Entertainment News, Business News, Technology News, Religion News, Opinion and insights to help individuals reach their full potential. Our mission is to empower and inspire Nigerians, students, aliens, and lifelong learners with quality content that fosters growth and development. Also to serve as source of first hand, accurate and reliable news to Nigerians.

What We Believe In

Truth and Accuracy: We strive to provide fact-based reporting, ensuring the accuracy and reliability of the information we disseminate.

Objectivity and Fairness: We aim to present balanced perspectives, avoiding bias and sensationalism.

Free Exchange of Ideas: We believe in fostering informed discussions, promoting diverse viewpoints, and encouraging open debate.

Accountability and Transparency: We hold ourselves and those in power accountable, shining a light on injustices and promoting transparency.

Empowering Communities: We seek to educate, inform, and inspire our audience, empowering them to make informed decisions.

Integrity and Independence: We maintain our independence, refusing to compromise our values for personal or commercial gain.

Diversity and Inclusion: We celebrate diverse voices, promoting representation and inclusivity in our coverage.

By adhering to these principles, we aim to provide high-quality, trustworthy journalism that makes a positive impact on our community.

Our Mission: To inform, educate, and inspire, fostering a more informed and engaged society.

Our Vision: A world where truth, accuracy, and fairness guide public discourse.

At The Positive Voice News, we value inclusivity, diversity, and equity. We believe in creating an open and safe space for everyone to learn, share, and grow. Thus, our content is crafted with a holistic approach that caters to the needs and interests of people from all walks of life.

Our Team

The Positive Voice News is powered by a team of passionate writers, and humanitarians.

The Positive Voice News was founded in July, 2019 by an humanitarian named Sulaiman Abdulrahmon (OSUN THE POSITIVE VOICE). This Media News work Started by publishing education news to Nigerian students from a Facebook group named Osun The Positive Voice Reports, later made is way to Facebook Page named Osun The Positive Voice, and made it way to Whats’App by spreading news on Nigeria Students WhatsApp platforms and finally established a site and spread it wings across all other area to provide first hand and reliable news to Nigeria Citizens @ https://thepositivevoice.ng

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